Guild Update

Guild Playtest Meetings

Discord and the Guild
The BGDG of Utah’s Discord is a great way to get to know those in the guild and discuss all things game design! If you’ve not joined yet, we’d love to have you come and participate with us!
BGDG of Utah Social Media
We have active Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts now! Please follow and start using #bgdgofutah in your game design related posts and they will be liked, retweeted etc!
Upcoming/Current Events
BGDG Business Meeting
We are currently planning to hold our Spring BGDG Business meeting either in late April or early May. More information will be posted in our Discord and Facebook. During business meetings we make general plans around future events, select individuals to fill roles within the guild and discuss other guild related subjects. We’d love anyone who’s interested in participating to attend, regardless of how long you’ve been in the guild!
ProtoCON Online
We will start planning ProtoCON Online, which will take place this Summer! This is a great opportunity to get one of your board/card game in a digital format (like Tabletopia or Tabletop Simulator) and playtest it at that event! Participants are not restricted to guild members. More information will be forthcoming!

Current Design Contests
Contest | Host | Deadline | Restrictions | Judges | Prizes | Contest Link |
Board Game Workshop Design Contest | Board Game Workshop | 04/03/24 | None | Board Game Workshop Community | None | Contest Link |
2024 Children & Family Game Design Contest | BGG | 04/15/24 | Children and family games | BGG Community | Geek Gold | Contest Link |
March-April 2024 Bi-Monthly 24 Hour Design Challenge | BGG | 04/30/24 | Cue word “three” | BGG Community | Geek Gold | Contest Link |
2024 Solomode Design Contest | BGG | 05/15/24 | Solo mode for an existing game | BGG Community | Geek Gold | Contest Link |
That Cool Stock Part Challenge | The Game Crafter | 05/22/24 | Specific Components | Industry Panelists | Shop Credit | Contest Link |
2024 War Game Print and Play Contest | BGG | 10/01/24 | War game | BGG Community | Geek Gold | Contest Link |
Contest information gathered from
Exciting Local Game Design Highlights
Table Pouch: Ironways
Designed by Benjamin R. Covington and published by
Table Pouch Ironways Kickstarter link
Table Pouch: Ironways is a simple, light, fast paced game about building railways to connect locations, and bridges over other railways. Your goal is to use up all of your bridge struts first, and in the process make an aesthetically pleasing sprawl (or absolute mess) of railway tracks on your kitchen table.
Table Pouch: Ironways is for 2-4 players, though the Events Deck expansion also opens up a Solitaire mode.
The game plays quickly in about 15-20 minutes and works on any shaped table. The weirder the table the more interesting your railways “get” to be, so coffee tables are encouraged too!

Itamae San: the Sushi Game
Designed by William McCrery
Itamae San: the Sushi Game Kickstarter Link
Itamae San is a tabletop memory-style game for kids and grown ups! Featuring colorful, minimalistic illustrations, iconic shapes and patterns, and easy-to-learn gameplay, it’s perfect for both the sushi-enamored and sushi-dubious because just like sushi, it’s beautiful to look at; but unlike sushi, you’re not supposed to eat it.

Isle of Night
Designed by Dustin Dowdle and published by Red Raven Games

You’ve heard tales of a mysterious island filled with treasures and wonders, but it appears only at night. With your loyal hound at your side, you row at dusk toward the island, eager to uncover its secrets and confront its dangers.
In Isle of Night, two to five players explore an island represented by a deck of cards. On your turn, draw cards from the deck and choose one type of card to keep. Any unclaimed cards remain from turn to turn, creating a growing pool of choices and a greater sense of tension. Some cards allow you to manipulate the point value of different types of cards, encouraging strategic shifts in play and exciting, memorable moments.
Isle of Night can fit in your jacket pocket and takes around 20 minutes to play.

Isle of night was the #1 most pre-sold game at GTS (distributor) for the week of March 18th, 2024 (two weeks of data) and had previously been in the #5 spot two weeks prior.
Magi-Nation Duel TCG: Traitor’s Reach
-The Moonlands Return-
Magi-Nation Duel Kickstarter link
Arcanist’s Armory, a game shop in Roy Utah, in conjunction with 2i, is spearheading the return of Magi-Nation Duel, a card game that went out of print 20 years ago. It’s currently on Kickstarter.

Designed by Brinler Tanner and published by Arclight Gamehouse
Assimilation Kickstarter preview link
Assimilation is an asymmetric trick-taking/zone capture game in which you will be engaged in not one but four tricks simultaneously. And the single biggest troop doesn’t always win. Instead, you’ll be building up your troops’ power to capture war zones and assimilate enemy cards. You’ll battle rival commanders as you strive to outmaneuver whatever tactics come your way with your own clever strategies. The commander with the highest number of points at the end of the game wins.

Farewell to a Friend
Colleen Norris has been a friend to the guild as well as a friend individually to many of us. We are sad to see her pass on and want to honor her by posting her obituary below:

Colleen Mildred Norris, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. Colleen lost her three year battle with ovarian cancer and passed away on March 14, 2024, at the age of 66. Born on November 8, 1957, in Salt Lake City, Utah, Colleen was the daughter of James Newton and Verna Bernice Dean.
Colleen was a devoted family matriarch, survived by her loving husband of 43 years, Preston W. Norris, and their two children, daughter Caroline (Corben), son Phillip (Kate) and four grandchildren, Justine, Alise, Jameson, and Ari.
Colleen’s thirst for knowledge and dedication to academic excellence. After she graduated from Olympus High School, she attended Ricks College for a time and went on to graduate from Salt Lake Community College. Throughout her academic endeavors, Colleen demonstrated exceptional intelligence and creativity.
Colleen exhibited a profound commitment to her religious beliefs and a deep desire to share her faith with others. She felt a calling to embark on a faithful mission in the Oklahoma/Tulsa Mission, to spread the teachings of her faith and to share her love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A true creator, Colleen enjoyed a successful career as an author of the book series, “The Fairy War.” And created the board game “In Search of the Ogres.” Her passion for her work was evident as she continuously pursued new passions and hobbies.
Colleen will be remembered for her kind heart and unwavering love for her family and Savior. She touched the lives of all who knew her, leaving behind a legacy of love and compassion.
She is preceded in death by her father James Newton, her brother Larry, her niece Angela, and two grandchildren Emerie and Gibby.
A Viewing will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, from 12-2:00 PM at Holbrook Mortuary at 3251 S. 2300 E., Millcreek Utah. Followed by a service from 3-4:00 PM at the Taylorsville Ward on 4932 S. 3200 W. Taylorsville, Utah. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Bikers Against Child Abuse at
Colleen will be deeply missed but never forgotten. May she rest in peace, knowing she was cherished by many and leaves behind a legacy of love that will endure for time and eternity.